President's Cabinet
The President’s Cabinet is charged with ensuring the University fulfills its mission by assisting the President in aligning resources with the University’s Strategic Plan. The Cabinet addresses issues that affect the entire University, ensures that decisions reached by the Cabinet and University Council are effectively implemented; frames policies and procedures, and makes recommendations to the President.
Membership of the President's Cabinet
Mark Nook: President
José Herrera: Provost and Executive Vice President
Michael Hager: Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations
David Grady: Interim Vice President for Student Affairs
Jim Jermier: Vice President for University Advancement, President of the Foundation
David Harris: Director of Athletics
•••: Director of University Relations
Gwenne Berry: Chief Diversity Officer
Mary Braun: State Relations Officer
Chiquita Loveless: Interim Director for Diversity, Inclusion & Social Justice
James Mattingly: Chair of the Faculty
Leah Gutknecht: Assistant to the President for Compliance & Equity Management
Marty Mark: Chief Information Officer
Tim McKenna: University Counsel
Andrew Morse: Assistant to the President for Board and Governmental Relations
Kristin Moser: Director of Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Randy Pilkington: Executive Director of Business & Community Services
Kristin Woods: Senior Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success
Jennifer Yarrow: Assistant to the President