Student Records Hearing Panel
This panel hears appeals from students relative to information contained in their educational records when conflicts are not resolved through normal administrative processes. The panel has the authority to amend educational records if information contained therein is deemed inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights of students. The panel is authorized by Policy 3.11 "Student Records."
The Student Records Hearing Panel is appointed by and responsible to the Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and consists of the President and Vice President of Northern Iowa Student Government, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, the Director of Admissions, the Chair of the University Faculty, and the Chair of the Faculty Senate. The Associate Registrar serves as secretary to the panel in a non-voting, ex-officio role.
The hearing panel shall meet on an as needed basis.
Current Membership
NISG President
NISG Vice President
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Director of Admissions
Chair of the University Faculty
Chair of the Faculty Senate
Associate Registrar, Secretary, Ex-Officio
Student Records Hearing Panel
This panel hears appeals from students relative to information contained in their educational records when conflicts are not resolved through normal administrative processes. The panel has the authority to amend educational records if information contained therein is deemed inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of the privacy rights of students. The panel is authorized by Policy 3.11 "Student Records."
The Student Records Hearing Panel is appointed by and responsible to the provost and executive vice president of Academic Affairs and consists of the president and vice president of Northern Iowa Student Government, the associate provost for Academic Affairs, the director of Admissions, the chair of the University Faculty and the chair of the Faculty Senate. The associate registrar serves as secretary to the panel in a non-voting, ex-officio role.
The hearing panel shall meet on an as needed basis.
Current Membership
NISG President
NISG Vice President
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Director of Admissions
Chair of the University Faculty
Chair of the Faculty Senate
Associate Registrar, Secretary, Ex-Officio