Honorary Degrees Committee

The Committee on Honorary Degrees is responsible for soliciting suggestions and nominations for recipients of honorary degrees and for submitting recommendations to the president of the university. The committee membership includes members of the faculty including each of the five undergraduate colleges (selected as each college determines), the vice president and provost or designee, the executive assistant to the president/director of external relations or designee, and the dean of the Graduate College, who serves as chairperson. Recommends nominees for recipients of honorary degrees to the president, pursuant to Policy 2.05.

Current Membership



Nick Bailey

College of Business  (2023) (2)

Radhi Al-Mabuk

College of Education (2024) (4)

Aleksander Poleksic

College of Humanities Arts & Sciences (2023) (2)

Julie Zhang

College of Humanities Arts & Sciences (2022) (2)

Kim Baker

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences (2024) (1)

Gwenne Berry Assistant to the President & Chief Diversity Officer
Patrick Pease, Chair Associate Provost for Academic Affairs